Austin Peay State University 1982 - 1986
It was during my years at APSU that I got a chance to try the various writing styles of the
world and find what I liked best. I served as reporter and news editor for the college paper, The All-State. Being a journalist gave me the opportunity to write for a specific
audience with general interests. I found I liked journalism ... still do. I now have The Optimaniac.
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation 1986 - 1988

Working as a criminal investigator - special agent didn't give me much of an opportunity to write in the manner I was used to while in university. But it did give me valuable
experience that I use in my writings. Much of what I did write as an agent was related to investigation cases. Not very interesting reading for the public, but very educational for me.
US Military 1982 - 1997 
I was in the US Marine Corps Reserve from 1982-88
and active US Air Force from 1988-97. My years in the military allowed me to continue my travels as well as hone my technical writing skills. I did not know how much I
really enjoyed technical writing and researching until I was called upon to write technical documents, checklists, and training manuals for the Air Force.
Johnson Matthey Electronics 1997 - 1999
I continued using my technical writing skills while serving as a supervisor for JME. I wrote training manuals, technical orders, operating procedures, and equipment checklists. |